Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Unit

The “Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Unit” was established under the no. 6926/18-12-2024 Government Gazette, issue B.

Its purpose is to provide organisational and administrative support to the Commission for Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination.

The responsibilities of the Unit include:

α) assisting the Commission for Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination in the implementation of the approved Action Plan for Gender Equality by organising, coordinating, and monitoring the activities of each stage of the Plan,

b) the organisational and administrative support of the Committee for Gender Equality and the Fight against Discrimination in the realisation of its institutional mission, particularly in the exercise of its competencies as detailed in par. 3 of Article 218 of Law 218. 4957/2022.

Head of the Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Unit: Kornilia Vikelidou