The Network of Gender Equality Committees in Universities was created in October 2020 on the initiative of the Gender Equality Committee of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and initially, all the Gender Equality Committees that had been established in Universities (8 eight) participated.
Subsequently, as many new GEPs as were formed were also included. Initially, the HEIs had established HIFs by the provision of Article 33 of Law 4589/2019 (Government Gazette 13 / A / 29- 1-2019), but they were created at different intervals (the first HIF was established on 06.06.2019 and the last one on 29.06.2022).
Higher Education Institutions: Strengthening the quality, functionality and the connection of HEIs with society and other provisions”, the name of the Higher Education Authority was changed and other competencies were added. Article 218 Commission for Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination.
The Hellenic Society of University Women (ELEGYP) also participates in the Network
Coordinator of the Network: Dimitra Kogidou, former President of the Gender Equality Committee (GEC) of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Contact with Network of Research Centres/Institutes: Katerina Pastra, , Coordinator,