In accordance with Article 218 of 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/A/21-7-2022), “A Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee shall be established and constituted in each HEI by decision of the Governing Board as an advisory body to the institution and its governing bodies. The mission of the Committee is to promote gender equality and combat discrimination on the basis of gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, health status/disability, age or sexual orientation at all levels of operation and in all processes and activities of academic life. The Committee contributes to preventing and addressing all forms of discrimination and to preventing and addressing sexism, sexual harassment and all forms of harassing behaviour at the institution.
The Committee is composed of nine members and consists of six (6) faculty members, one (1) member of the SCE, one (1) administrative staff member and one (1) student. Its members shall serve for three years and shall be appointed following a call for expressions of interest published by the Rector. The Rector may, by decision, be replaced in the exercise of his/her powers by by the competent Vice-Rector. The applications are evaluated by a three-member committee set up by the Senate, which draws up a ranking list and submits it as a recommendation to the Senate. In selecting the members, the Senate shall take into account the work and the general contribution of the candidates in the fields of gender equality and the fight against all forms of discrimination and harassment.
The establishment of the Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GEMC) was made in accordance with the provision of Article 218 of Law No. 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/A/21-7-2022) by the decisions of the Senate of the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki in its meetings numbered 3146/29-5-2024 and 3147/3-7-2024 and by the decision of the Administrative Council of the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki in its meeting numbered 21/11-7-2024.
The Committee is supervised by the Vice Rector for Administrative Affairs and Student Affairs, Associate Professor Stella Lavva.
Chairperson (Faculty Member)
Domna Kakana, Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education and Education []
Alexandros Onoufriadis, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine []
Maria Partalidou, Professor, Department of Agriculture []
Anna-Maria Consta, Assistant Professor, Department of Law []
Anastasios Kaplanis, Assistant Professor, Department of Philology []
Athena Pegglidou, Assistant Professor, Department of History and Archaeology []
Kyriaki Kourouni, “EEP” Member, Department of English Language and Literature []
Elpis Vianni, Administrative Officer, Centre for Education and Lifelong Learning []
Panagiotis Nikolaou, Undergraduate student, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication []